I remember
walking up the dusty main street of Somoto in July 2012. I had just arrived after a three and a half
hour bus ride, the longest trip I had made at that point, and was excited to be
in my new site after several weeks of training.
I was nervous, but I also had high hopes for what life was going to be
like here. I saw my host sister, Eunice,
sitting anxiously at the front door of my host family that Peace Corps had
arranged. I took a deep breath and
walked into the house that quickly became my home for the first year of my
The house didn’t have much. There was a nice, large patio in the behind
the house with my room on the back of the lot.
It seemed like a closet and felt like cave. I noticed the shower didn’t even have a roof
on it- just three walls and a shower curtain.
It’ll be like camping… I told
myself, but I wasn’t sure how long I was going to stay with this family.
Then my host dad, Chico (nickname for
Francisco), and my host mom, Maria, sat down with me at the kitchen table. We drank coffee from their coffee farm in the
mountains to the south of Somoto and ate rosquillas. They told me that was what somoteños did. That day was the start of a great
relationship that has lasted to this day.

Any time I cooked something new, I would let
them try some of it. The typical
response would be, “Sos bien inteligente,
Aaron.” My thought would usually be,
“All I did was make pizza, but thanks!”
One time I made spicy chicken taco meat and Maria started coughing because
she thought it was so hot. After that, I
always had to assure her three or four times that what I had made wasn’t spicy
before she would eat it.
When I first got to site, I had no idea how
to hand wash my clothes and had to ask Maria what I needed to buy. Then I came back and said, “OK… now
what?” She and I would also joke about how Nicaraguans point with their
lips. We would take turns pointing at things and asking if it was the right thing- “Aquí?” “No, está allí”- with our duck lips, laughing the whole time. There also was the time she taught me how to make
tortillas and was quite impressed at my tortilla making skills.

Good memories. Last week I took my host mom and dad out to dinner at the nicest restaurant in Somoto to despedirme. When I arrived to walk to
dinner with them, Chico game out with his NC State shirt that I gave him after
Christmas this past year. He said he only wears the shirts for special
occasions, and this was a very special occasion. He then proceeded to give me a big bear
hug. It was a great time as we reminisced
about all of the silly stories that happened during my time at the house.
While they aren’t my real family, they
certainly hold a special place in my heart after these two years, and I will
miss them greatly. They were there for me as I learned how to live in Nicaragua and helped me navigate all of the challenges and questions I had about living there.
I didn’t visit them as much during my second year after I moved to my own apartment, and that’s something I regret, but every time I did visit, it was like I never had left. After I moved out, I gave them a framed picture of us- it still sits proudly displayed on their mantelpiece, and Chico points it out every time I visit. I know it will still be there when I visit someday, that Chico will give me a big hug, and we’ll sit down in the rocking chairs to talk about all that has happened since I last visited. Maria and I will point at various things in the house with duck lips. We might even have rosquillas and coffee- the true somoteño way.
I didn’t visit them as much during my second year after I moved to my own apartment, and that’s something I regret, but every time I did visit, it was like I never had left. After I moved out, I gave them a framed picture of us- it still sits proudly displayed on their mantelpiece, and Chico points it out every time I visit. I know it will still be there when I visit someday, that Chico will give me a big hug, and we’ll sit down in the rocking chairs to talk about all that has happened since I last visited. Maria and I will point at various things in the house with duck lips. We might even have rosquillas and coffee- the true somoteño way.
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