I finished Peace Corps service on July 22nd, and I’ve be
staring at this blog post for the last five months- adding a bit here and there
and then erasing half of it each time.
I’ve wanted some kind of summation or final thought to look back on
service and see what I’ve learned. Probably due to the breakneck speed at which I
jumped back into life in the states, it’s been hard to take some time and
reflect and sort through all of the thoughts I have.
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i wasn't sure i could do it |
This is my
best attempt at summing up the last two years of my life with some of my
favorite pictures mixed in. It's a
little long- for the quick summary jump to the last section, but I figure that my grandma and a few aunts are my main audience
anyways (Hi Grandma and Aunt Jackie).
I'll probably never be completely happy with it, but this is my best
Nicaragua became my home
I’m not sure
when it happened but somewhere along the line things changed. I developed my routines and got to know
people in town. I’d buy eggs from Doña
Leyla, my neighbor that ran a small convenience store in the morning. In the afternoon, I would go buy three
bananas from José Angel, a fairly rotund fruit vendor who never really spoke
beyond “What do you want?” but he never tried to over charge me, so I supported
his business. I’d wave to people I knew
walking through town and stop by Gonzalo’s office. We’d chat for a while about life and the current
status of the business and then one of us would have to leave. It was my routine. I knew what was going on and felt like I fit
I started
running a lot because it was one of the few options for physical activity in
town. People would look at me like I was
crazy as I ran by them. “Don’t you know
it’s hot?” or “You’re really sweaty, Aaron” were frequent observations. I didn’t care. I found that running helped me decompress and
process lots of the frustrations I had.
Maybe I had planned a meeting that no one showed up to, or I walked to
school to find out that classes had been canceled. Any number of reasons- it didn’t really
matter. On most afternoons, I would head out for a run along the Panamerican
Highway. The sun would usually be setting as I came back into town- bright
orange with a deep blue back drop with streaks of red and pink on the clouds
with the mountains in the distance. I
loved it. It was absolutely gorgeous.
- Living in a
different culture is hard. Learning to live with the tension between your own culture and the host culture can be challenging. I'll give an example- in the states we respect lines. We know that there is a line and that there is an order to it. In Nicaragua, lines are more of a flexible concept. There might be a line, but you can kind of just ooze your way in near the front and no one really says anything. Other times it was just an all out fight to get to the front. This was especially true when trying to get on the bus to get a seat. When I first got to site, it drove me nuts that people would be cutting me in line. Then I realized that lines worked differently there. By the end I had a whole strategy for navigating lines, especially when it came to getting on the buses. That’s just one example; there are many more. What we define as “normal” can be complete foreign to a different culture. Gestures mean different things. Sayings aren't the same as other countries. Even if it is a culture with the same language, there still are differences, be it food, drink, or how normal life “just works.”
- I
learned how to just be awkward. We
always joke that volunteers are really awkward people. You just kind of get used to being you and
not caring what anyone else things.
After two years of being stared at for the color of your skin, the accent
you have, or sitting on someone's porch talking about the weather for the umpteenth time because sometimes that's the only thing you could relate to. I essentially learned how to be
comfortable with being uncomfortable.
- I gained direction in my career. Development work is hard. This isn't really a profound revelation, and I've reflected on this previously. In Nicaragua, I saw plenty of NGOs and missionary groups come in with very well intentioned ideas. Most didn't really stop to ask the community members if it was appropriate or not, and there was minimal community buy in, so they came and dumped buckets of money... to very perceivable little benefit. I always was interested in monitoring and evaluation, but after this experience I am drawn to it even more. I want to see projects that are appropriate for local contexts and effective in accomplishing their stated goals.
- Adventure can happen in the US too. Once I realized that there was a big world outside of the states, I've always wanted to travel elsewhere. The states just didn't seem as exciting anymore. I certainly had plenty of adventures in Nicaragua, but I have since being back here too. Hiking in New Hampshire. Visiting friends in Colorado. Even just trying to explore Boston. It's all an adventure. I'm realizing that there are plenty of places here still left to explore. Adventure doesn't just happen abroad.
- Adventure can happen in the US too. Once I realized that there was a big world outside of the states, I've always wanted to travel elsewhere. The states just didn't seem as exciting anymore. I certainly had plenty of adventures in Nicaragua, but I have since being back here too. Hiking in New Hampshire. Visiting friends in Colorado. Even just trying to explore Boston. It's all an adventure. I'm realizing that there are plenty of places here still left to explore. Adventure doesn't just happen abroad.
Through it all, I made incredible friendships
college buddies but coupled with a much more intense experience. We shared the highs and lows of living in a
different culture for two years and all of the funny and crazy experiences that
go long with it. We shared those
through texts or while watching the gorgeous sunset over the Pacific.
I don't think I would have made it through PC without the friends that were there with me during service. They were the ones who just understood when things weren't going well or laughed at the ridiculous circumstances we often found ourselves in. Thanks to the PC family plan, we were able to text each other and call for free. We may not have been in the same physical place in the country, but we all were there for each other and willing to hop on a bus at a moment's notice to go on an adventure.
I traveled to Denver to celebrate the New Year with those friends. It was so great to be with them again to reminisce and talk about how we are readjusting to life in the states. I hope to keep in touch with them for many years to come.
So how was it?
It was hard.
It was
It was lots
of rice and beans.
It was rainy
and cold.
It was treating peanut butter like gold.
It was hiking an hour for a meeting only to find it was canceled.
It was treating peanut butter like gold.
It was hiking an hour for a meeting only to find it was canceled.
It was a lot
of buses and buses packed more full than you could ever imagine.
It was 10
hour trips to visit friends for one full day and then turning around for
another 10 hours home.
It was sitting on someone's porch in a rocking chair while the rain poured down on the tin roof.
It was sitting on someone's porch in a rocking chair while the rain poured down on the tin roof.
It was
bucket showers.
It was
watching entire TV series in a weekend.
It was
sitting in my hammock for hours with absolutely nothing to do.
It was times
when I was so frustrated that I contemplated just going home.
It was
working every day in Spanish.
It was
business advising.
It was
tourist fairs.
It was a lot
of hiking and camping.
It was trips
to the canyon with friends and countless other adventures.
Now, on to the next adventure
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the Dominican Republic |
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Port Au Prince, Haiti |
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Malawi |
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My new team at work |
One final thought
I remember
talking to a new volunteer that was visiting my site and saying, “Peace Corps
breaks you down to the core of who you are, and you have to figure out how to
put the pieces back together.” Peace Corps rocked my world to it's core in many ways. Thanks to this experience, I have a better idea of what I
want, where I am going, and who I want to be.
I didn't
realize how much Peace Corps and Nicaragua had changed me during service, and I
often took it for granted. Now, with
more perspective, I realize how much of a formative experience it was. I am grateful for the Peace Corps
experience and all that I learned. I
learned and grew a lot- probably more so than I contributed, but at the end of the day, I am satisfied
with the mark that I left on my site and Nicaragua. Nicaragua and the friends I made there
certainly have left a mark on me. It was quite the adventure.